Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Organization of workshops

  • Arnaud Pêcher was in the organizing committee of the Bordeaux Graph Workshop 2012.

  • Pierre Pesneau is member of the organizing committee of the working group "Polyhedra and Combinatorial Optimization" affiliated to the French operations research society (ROADEF) and the operations research group of CNRS. The purpose of this working group is to promote the field of polyhedra in the research domain of combinatorial optimization. To this aim, the group organizes every even years a biennial international symposium on combinatorial optimization (ISCO 2010 in Tunisia, ISCO 2012 in Greece, ISCO 2014 will be held in Portugal) and every odd years the national Polyhedra and Combinatorial Optimization Days. Both of them are preceded by a doctoral spring school.

Invitations to conferences

  • Arnaud Pêcher, How unique is Lovász's theta function?, 2012 International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, Jinhua, Chine, 2012

  • Francois Vanderbeck had an “invited talk” at the International Workshop on Column Generation, Montréal 2012. He was also an Invited speaker at the Workshop on Integer Programming, Valparaiso, Chile, March 2012.